Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Apple iPhone Code for the FBI

          Apple Incorporated may end up going to the supreme court to fight the FBI over an issue that 

they believe will be violating people's First Amendment rights. The FBI has gotten a judge to order 

Apple to unlock the iPhone of an attacker in San Bernardino. Apple is fighting back against this order 

from the judge, because the code they would have to write for the FBI to be able to do this would 

make it possible for the FBI to access information and unlock any iPhone, not just the attacker's. This 

breach of privacy is infringing upon the First Amendment rights of US citizens because the first 

amendment gives citizens the rights to freedom of speech and freedom of expression which are being 

taken away.

          In order to show their support for Apple's fight for citizens rights, a group of protestors 

called "Fight for the Future" organized marches 

across the country and exercised another right 

given to them by the First Amendment known as 

the Freedom to Assemble. Apple is using case 

precedent to show that the writing of computer 

code is protected by the First Amendment 

because it is a form of expressive action and that

the case should be taken to Congress and not the normal courts.

          "Apple will say the judge in the case has overreached in her use of an obscure law and 

infringed on the company's 1st Amendment rights, and Apple attorney said". According to a poll 

taken recently, more than half of the people who voted supported the FBI and their efforts to unlock 

the attacker's phone through coding. 

For more info visit:

1 comment:

  1. This is a very interesting article. I feel as if America today is continuously fighting between the protection of the people's personal lives and the protection of the people as a whole. With technology in play we have seen such an increase in these types of arguments. Great blog!
